They seem to be about the same size as Pampers size 3 (or any other known brand). They fit well and the velcro straps keep them in place very well. Our son is 7 months old and probably weighs around 19 pounds and they fit well. But that's about all I can say good about diapers. He peed through the first one, we thought maybe we hadn't secured him or something, and he came out through the leg hole or something. With the second, it was very clear that the urine exited through the center of the diaper and not through the leg opening. We only had this problem with brands when it was in the morning and it really soaked the diaper and then started rolling. It was different with these two diapers - it wasn't overnight, he wasn't any more active than usual, and we've never had problems with big name brand diapers in those situations. It's a shame to turn it down. Diapers, but after the first two, it's not worth using the rest of the pack.
Подгузники Pampers в упаковке на (размер) Baby
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Pampers diapers New Baby Dry 1 (2-5 kg), 94 pcs.
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Biubee, 4 упаковки, водонепроницаемые пеленальные вкладыши - 27,5 "х 19,7", очень широкие и длинные для настольных матрацев для младенцев / взрослых
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