First off, the U3's overall looks, initial performance and build/sound quality are 5 stars. I gave 4 stars as I'm frustrated registering my U3 on the Xvive website as it doesn't accept my device's serial number. I feel like the contents of the U3 device should show more clearly that only the USB to dual micro USB cable is included for charging, and you feel that the charging status indicators and the micro USB charging points can be in the same places as the transmitter and receiver are very similar. Yes, small potatoes, and if you want 5 stars from me across the board, I hold a hoop to jump pretty high. So. The setup is very simple. Basically charge the batteries, select the transmitter input level and channels 1 to 6 on the transmitter/receiver and off you go! I used my U3 system alone for 2 hours and with JTS NX-7 dynamic mic combos (a Shure Beta 57A clone) for 3 hours as a through mic and my E945 Sennheiser vocal performance. It's very hard to notice a difference (if any) between wired and wireless connections. I'm not a screaming singer and I think the U3 system handled the light, slow dance chants on the E945 that the kids screamed on the NX-7 quite well. The maximum indoor distance I've used with my U3 has never been more than 30 feet, and I haven't noticed any lag - audio latency issues. While the specs say "up to 90 feet," I wouldn't be comfortable going beyond 60 feet line of sight and would expect the connection to be rock solid. The default channel 1 (out of a possible 6) worked great at both gigs and in one room they had their own Cisco 2.4 WI-FI router/router whilst I was also using the Xvive U2 guitar wireless setup and had no range problems. crosstalk. dropped etc. Both the U3 transmitter and receiver have low battery indicators from approximately 30% charge and neither low battery indicator will illuminate after 3 hours of continuous use. I am not receiving any compensation, rebates or "free trial products" etc. for posting this review. I invested in my U3 system out of my own pocket and I hope you will be as happy with it as I am.