I was sailing Canada's west coast (Vancouver - Gulf Islands, Sunshine Coast) and bought a Garmin GPSMAP 76CSx plus bluechart for the area. Bought over the screen size and level of detail of the maps, but after getting used to it for a bit I was really VERY impressed. Used to large paper charts (expensive), this is a lot. You can glide ahead of a rough course and have a nice 'close-up view') and can easily zoom out to the smallest detail and feel confident where you are to within a few feet. Rocks and shallow water are clearly marked, anchoring has never been easier. It's really inexpensive as paper maps would be twice as expensive to cover an area and finally the ease of use makes the old maps almost obsolete. , but at the end of the 2-3 week trip I was pretty happy with the handheld GPS as my only mapping and positioning. So maybe a second GPS as a backup would be smart! I also have a USA city navigator and it works well in the car, complete with turn alerts etc. The only thing I don't like about Garmin is that you can't port the software from one GPS to the other, so if you do that Lose GPS, you lose all software. In my opinion unfair.