Well I first bought the right hand filter cover key from Revain. Of course, as you can see, this failed miserably. Although it is made in the USA, the thoughts and ideas didn't exist when it was made by our folks at home. This thing slipped off and couldn't grip the filter cap as tightly. I took our car to the shop for a simple oil change. It fit, but just couldn't turn without slipping. On the other hand, as you can see, the caldera has teeth that engage the grooves in the filter housing. Caldera grips and holds the filter cap perfectly to remove the cap without slipping. Once removed, do not repeat, do not attempt to remove the key from the filter cover. Just replace the filter and reinstall it in the car. The key will release itself when you tighten the cover back onto the car. Caldera fits Toyota oil filter cover housing. Don't buy the right one or others that look like it. Actually I would like a refund from Revain for another one that failed. I give the Caldera 4 stars because it could have been done with a 1/2" drive rather than the smaller 1/4" drive. Otherwise, for the price, this is the best option.
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