I bought these bags to take my son to college. They made the move much easier and less stressful. I couldn't believe how much the bags fit, especially for the price I paid for the bags. It's just fantastic, four pockets was more than enough and perfect. I was very happy to see that they can carry up to 50lbs each. My favorite features: double zip and waterproof. My son loves that they have backpack straps which helped a lot as we had to climb stairs to carry him to the dorm. I am very impressed with how durable and well they have held up and look forward to using them in the future. I was very impressed that this is a thicker PE material rather than a thin PP material. I would recommend them to anyone, even just for storage, they are so comfortable. They are very easy to store when not in use as they are collapsible. I would highly recommend them, the price is so great I am very happy with how they work and how easy they are to use.
25-Piece Clear Plastic Drawer Organizers: Non-Slip Trays For Makeup, Jewelry, Office & More!
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24 Giant Tubular Plastic Hanger - Super Duty, 24 Hangers, Proudly Made In The USA!
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CleverMade 16L Collapsible Plastic Shopping Baskets - 3 Pack, Charcoal - Foldable & Reusable With Handles For Easy Storage
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