These bags offer excellent value for money. I honestly can't believe they are so affordable. I had bought an older version of these Kemi moto bags last year (2019) with D-rings instead of buckles and the design has changed in leaps and bounds. When I got the old bags I was frustrated with the D-rings and was trying to figure out how to replace them with buckles - when I saw the new version of the HAD buckles I jumped at it. Now these bags are ideal for everyday use when carrying multiple groceries or a six pack. Not for long-distance travel. I've used them on a vintage Honda C70 for trips along the cliffs for beach picnics or just running errands and grocery shopping and they're great. I figured I could fit the equivalent of a large paper grocery bag (think Trader Joe's) and a half. (Total) Some major improvements besides the buckles: - Reflective strips all over the bag - D-rings on the back of the bag for attaching to the frame etc. (I don't use them, the bags stay in place but the bike just rides at 45 mph haha) - The newest bags had a small velcro pocket on the front on one side and a small drawstring pocket on the other and nothing on the back. These bags have a velcro pocket AND a drawstring pocket on EACH pocket and they are reversed so both pockets are on the front and back. It is great. Double the amount of storage. Actually I like it a lot. The insides of old bags tended to flap and had no stiffness unless filled. I custom made these cardboard inserts that lined up the inside of the bag that was pressed against the bike and it helped a lot to stiffen them. Well these bags have the original internal triple hard piece system which can be folded inwards to allow the bag to lie flatter OR you can velcro them internally to the top front and back creating a strong hard square inside . frame. Don't want the pockets sticking out when they're empty? They can detach and fold inward. I like the system - it's like looking at my old cardboard inserts and getting inspiration. What I don't like: - Old bags, one bag had an inside zip and one bag was just completely open at the top (under the flap). The new pockets have zippers on both sides. I actually liked having one that was completely open at the top, I could easily put a six pack in and/or stuff it fuller and use the valve to keep it all down. With a zipper on both sides, it's not that functional in my opinion. I might actually cut out the zipper and fabric on one side to recreate the old style. If you're wondering if you should get these bags and just want an everyday bag set for a stroll around town and not for long trips. or high speed travel, I would definitely recommend them. Again, I honestly can't believe they are as cheap as they are. They feel very well sewn and the material is thick enough and feels sturdy. I'm a fan.
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