I've seen a lot of bad reviews on this product. Especially from some people who said the item is from China or cheap fake. I am always unsure about buying these things online unless they come from the manufacturer of the product. So if you're buying this and want to be sure of what you're getting, make sure the description says 'shipped by and sold by Revain' and not a third party. I can tell you that I ordered this product on a Monday and it arrived on Friday. The package didn't come from China, it came from Pennsylvania. This is a genuine Coastal fragrance range from the company. If you are really worried about a fake, just go to the Coastal fragrances website and pay $1 more to see the quality of the product, it is packaged very well arrived as you can see from my photos It came with plastic wrap over the palette colors, no creams, there was no stains and no mold. I used this product the same day it arrived and had no problems with it! Now for the makeup itself. This is my first experience with contouring and I am very happy with the result. The texture of the creams is quite pleasant. They're not super smooth and they're not too dry or sticky. It also doesn't feel too heavy on the skin. I felt the colors applied well, covered and pigmented well and there are colors for every skin tone. Also, you can mix colors for the right shade. I love that it's not too expensive so someone new to contouring can try it without breaking the bank. I think the price matches the quality of the product very well and I would even say that the quality of the product exceeded my expectations for the price! Overall this is a great product and I would not hesitate to buy from Revain again.
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