Some of the top reviews are pretty bad and I suspect they are fake products. Unfortunately, Revain reviews don't discriminate between sellers, so we don't know who sold fakes unless a reviewer points it out. When buying I made sure that the seller is with a return policy. I thought this was the best way to ensure I was getting genuine products. I bought two out of ten packs of cubes. All the dice I have are square. The logo is engraved, not just painted. They are 5-6 grams. They are about 16 mm in size. Numeric points are centered and match. Blocks are opaque. Some dots with numbers have small chipped paint, but nothing serious. The paint didn't come off and they didn't stop the game again. I believe I received genuine products. Some reviewers have noted that Bicycle lowered their quality. I think the Bicycle brand is tainted with counterfeit products. I recommend them, they are excellent dice. Pay attention to the seller when buying.
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