(husband's review). Wow, what a concept. I bought two (black and brown) and have since Haven't worn a traditional buckled belt anymore. However, one of the buckles broke (scattered) about a month ago. My first impulse was to buy another one. But when I first got my original straps, one was too long, and after investigating the way the buckle was attached to the strap i saw that it would be easy to remove the buckle cut the strap and put the buckle back on which i did the problem is solved so i decided to just get a spare buckle to buy - the belt was ok.When I received the buckle I was VERY impressed with the look and quality - first class.When I opened the box and examined it I saw that the belt attachment was different to mine an old broken buckle. d with two small screws. The fastening mechanism of this buckle was much simpler and better. You simply tuck the end of the strap into the slot, which features a fold-out section with studs. Once the belt is inserted into this slot, close the hinge mechanism and the spikes will pierce the belt slightly, the hinge will engage and you have a secure fit. Also the release and tensioning ratchet is slightly different, better and easier to use than mine old buckle. I am very satisfied with this product and will definitely buy it again if the need arises.