I bought this to make it easier to hunt Pokemon on my bike. I really love it! The assembly went well. The price is great and it has performed well over the past few weeks. I even bought 2 more for family members. My phone feels secure even on the bumpiest of roads. The only time my phone fell out was when I put it in a non-elasticated holder (no damage, my case protected my phone). But that seemed like a godsend because I only use the strap half the time and my phone has never fallen out again. With an elastic band wrapped around the corners, your phone won't go anywhere. I haven't mountain biked it, but I rode up and down huge curbs, grass and horribly paved pothole roads on a daily basis. base no problem. The plastic piece around the ball joint is the only thing I can see that's worn out, but at this price I don't mind replacing it once a year or so. Note: I am using this with an iPhone 6s Plus which comes in a fairly thin cheap clear rubber case. My partner has the same phone in a LifeProof case. Both phones fit well, although the 6s plus in the LifeProof case is pretty much the biggest that fits.
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