Bought 3 of these for Switch Lites Quarantine as combos are cheaper than buying the screen protector and case separately. I bought them on the 10th and received them on the 12th with free standard shipping, seriously, the fastest shipping I've ever had. The screen protector instructions are confusing when you read them, but the pictures were easy to follow and after the 3rd I was good at it. They look great and also feel like they don't even have a kick. I have 4 cats at home and it's very very dusty so of course I caught some hairs on my first floor. Luckily these protectors are VERY forgiving and I was able to lift them back up, use a piece of clear tape to remove any hair stuck to the protector and reattach without blistering. They only had them for 1 day but so far so good! The case itself fits well and feels good in the hand. The stand on the back is very comfortable and sits very well on it with a good angle for a board game on the Switch Lite. The case itself is a bit thick and pressing the ABXY buttons was a little fiddly at first, but we got used to it very quickly. The case feels solid and feels like it will last a few drops. The clear plastic is nice and shows the colors of our switches (grey, teal and coral) very well. Yes it's cool Oh, and only one screen protector is advertised, but one of us came with a second one, so that was a nice surprise!