Pros: First of all, it's super cute for a little girl. My 3 year old daughter loves tents so we bought this as a Christmas present. It's like a cute little personal fortress for her bed. It fits like a sheet (sides only, it has no bottom) over a regular sheet in her bed, making it easy to put on and take off. I didn't notice this causing internal overheating or anything like that. The poles used in the tent are metal and appear to be quite sturdy. Cons: The material is very thin and I'm concerned that it might tear during use if children handle it roughly. The "doors" can be held open with small strips of fabric that are attached with Velcro. They're staying in place so far, but they seem quite fragile and I'm not sure how long the velcro can hold the "doors" up effectively. Overall I am happy with the purchase and my daughter loves sleeping in this thing.