VAMJAM Men Sneakers Fashion Sneakers - Lightweight Breathable Flying Knit Lace Up Mesh Walking Sneakers Training Casual Athletic Shoes Size 12 All Black. I received these sneakers a few days ago. I am surprised by the lightness, comfort and shape of the shoe. Although the sneaker weighs a little, its construction stands up to high-end brands like Adidas, Nike and Under Armour. I wear these shoes when I shop, do my daily runs, run errands, and walk around the house all day. At home, I ditched my expensive wool-lined slippers because these sneakers are the perfect substitute. The shoes are warm, sweat-free, comfortable and offer amazing support. I'm a sneaker connoisseur and own hundreds of sneakers; expensive to cheap. Some of my more expensive shoes do not match the quality, construction and value of these shoes. The only thing these sneakers give up is the high price compared to other sneaker brands. I will invest in other colors of these sneakers!
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