When I bought a switch, I was aware of all these disadvantages. This set-top and portable box's magic has already been bought. She works quite hard. Anywhere you go, play Witcher or Assassin. It's worth the money to play in the subway when you are riding it, etc. I'm now waiting for new ports while saving money for the games I haven't yet purchased. Some benefits I spent a long time circling this console. Mobility, the ability to play your favorite games wherever you are, outdoor games on TV, and playing with others all captured my attention. Despite all the flaws, I am happy with my purchase because the prefix is excellent and beautifully put together. I compared it to earlier iterations, and I would never buy them since I don't like them. Only the top is OLED. If you choose to take a switch, do so immediately. Below are certain drawbacks, including game cost. Games appear to be sufficient, but quality games are expensive. 99% of the game is turkey. -There is no basic video player, and the images only display as screenshots. -There is also no browser. I'm not really sure how I feel about these flaws because, as I understand it, the market allows Nintendo to get away with it; they don't give a damn about something as trivial as a bad video player. But it still irritates me.