The Xbox series x is the future of the gaming industry. It is a pity that the games on this game console are not available to everyone due to too high prices and the lack of regional price regulation in the Microsoft store, such as similar steam, Epick game store, GoG, orifin, ubisoft store and others. Overall, I'm 100% happy with the xbox series x as it exceeded my expectations, but the lack of regional pricing ruins the overall experience. With a salary of 21,000 and the price of an electronic edition of the game at 4,500, I cannot afford it and have to buy old games or play only what is in the game p. While citizens of other countries where there is an official representation and support of Microsoft Xbox, have regional prices and play games at regional prices corresponding to their income level. Once again the game Cyberpank 2077 2022 $60, Argentina $17. The average official salary in 2022 is $520, in Argentina $800.
To help provide a visual component to my review, I've included some photos.