These bags are a good price for what they are - fairly strong dust covers. They are definitely not suitable for everyday use. When my husband and I retired and moved to a much smaller house, I bought these to store my sweaters and sweatshirts under my bed. They are useful for storing seasonal items when not in regular use. These bags don't have frames, however, so getting them in and out under the bed is nothing more than stuffing a garbage bag full of clothes inside. In fact, my granddaughter pulled on one end and I pushed on the other. Aside from the fun she's asked to play under the bed, it doesn't quite suit my needs. I'm thinking of cutting out a piece of lightweight plywood or corrugated cardboard to fit the bottom of each pocket so they can be pushed around more easily. They go with a lot of clothes, and as I said, they're great if you don't need to fetch them from under your bed often.
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TerraKing Leaf Bag XL - Heavy Duty Material Collection System For Ride-On Lawnmowers - Fast & Easy Leaf Collection With Nylon Bottom (Fits 3-Bag Hood) [ST95033]
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