This could be a fine product. Some bean counter made a bad decision that makes the shirt uncomfortable, and worse, can’t be corrected without cutting the side seam.A required label is sewn into the left seam at waist level. It’s on a scratchy stiff fabric that hasn’t gotten soft enough in several washings. Normally I’d grab a scuzzirs and cut the thing off and problem solved. Not with this shirt-the scratchy label is held on with the seam chai stitch. If you take out the label, you also must open the seam. Of course this damages the shirt and shortens it’s life, unless you take the time to see the seam back together yourself.Note to Ayino-I don’t work for you! I want you to make the shirt, and when you’re done, I’m happy to buy the finished product. I don’t want to have a problem removing a scratchy label and then have to sew!If I don’t buy just one shirt, that probably costs you more than tacking in 100 labels in an Easy-to-remove -way. Please stop making the label an integral part of the seam! That tiny change would get me to start buying your otherwise fine Henley shirts again. Thanks.