Terrible assembly, broke after 1 week, no extra parts, impossible to handle. The assembly requires a lot of tinkering and with this and the lack of additional parts there is no room for error. Even after proper assembly, the red element separated from the metal element and a day later the metal element separated from the rod that secures the red handle to the machine. Bought it for my 9 month old twins for Christmas and my parents bought 2 cars (for their house) of a different brand and the difference is day and night. The cars my parents bought drive, have sounds and lights, are solid, and aren't a nightmare build like this car. Today is January 4th, the car broke down 2 days ago and was assembled on the 29th. The saddest thing is that this was my son's favorite toy and now he has to wait until we can return it and find a better replacement. 100% DO NOT BUY. The photos show that the red piece broke off, rendering the car unusable. In the third photo, the bar is upside down to show how it should look.
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