Target, is based on a store that comprises a variety of stores and online store, it offers good home delivery services safely and quickly, likewise integrates into its store a variety of offers and methods of savings on every purchase made by users, it supports a variety of payment methods in purchases from its platform and stores, allowing payments with credit cards, bank cards, PayPal and has even developed its own physical card, the red card, which guarantees access to discounts and multiple benefits, during the purchase and store services. Target has developed its own store to offer services on an online platform and from a mobile application for the store, ensuring a good organization by categories of household products, groceries, clothing for women, men and children, beauty items, toys and sundries, as well as social networks with a wide variety of followers, marketing system that allows to know the offers and new products, likewise its cart system has a good development, integrates functions for easy shopping, know the characteristics of the products, select payment methods and even delivery services, also has a system of reliable reviews and rating, make comments on the products and the store offers good support services and advice to its customers.