These are light duty for household trash, not the contractor bags you think of when you see a black trash bag. For heavy items or items with rough edges, stick with heavy duty contractor bags.I have no issue filling these bags with typical household garbage and tying the top closed. However, beware of anything remotely pointy like cardboard box corners which will tear a hole if you pull the bag tight around it. For the price, I figure if I have to double bag every so often, I still save money vs buying bags at the grocery store.If your household likes to shove as much as you can into each bag, these are not for you. If it’s an obstacle course to bring the trash out and the bag will catch on door latches, pets, or fences, these are not for you. If the bags will be used as moving boxes, these are not for you. If you want to get trash out of your house without breaking the bank, these could be the answer you’ve been looking for.
60 Count Heavy Duty Compostable Trash Garbage Bags - 13-15 Gallon, 1.18Mils Thickness For Kitchen Garden Home
40 Review
50-Pack 8” X 12” Mylar Bags With 300Cc Oxygen Absorbers And Heat Sealable Rounded Corners - Free Long-Term Food Storage Guide Included.
38 Review
Viva Multi-Surface Cloth Paper Towels: 12 Task Size Family Rolls (2X6), 30 Regular Rolls, 286 Count - Buy Now!
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Glad Press'N Seal Plastic Food Wrap - 70 Square Foot Roll (Package May Vary)
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Efficient Cleaning Made Easy: Yocada Microfiber Spray Mop With 2 Washable Pads For All Floor Types
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Effortlessly Clean Hard Floors With DEERMA'S 360° Rotation Spray Mop - Includes 8 Microfiber Refills And 350Ml Water Tank
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20 Foot High Reach Duster For Cleaning Kit With 5-12Ft Heavy Duty Extension Pole, Sturdy Extendable Microfiber Feather Duster, High Ceiling Fan Duster, Cobweb Dusters, Window Squeegee Cleaner Kits
35 Review
Portable Rechargeable Electric Spin Scrubber For Household Cleaning - Ideal For Bathroom, Kitchen, And Windows. Power Scrub Brush For Bathtubs, Sinks, Tiles, Grout, And Stove Cooker.
36 Review