If you are talking about this product I would say go for it! We are very happy with the product and the overall experience. I was nervous about the color as I could only see it on screen but it's perfect. The seller is also a pleasure to work with and he responds very quickly. We received our item much quicker than expected which was perfect. We bought a textured gray that lets some light through. We have it in a small room, this is our office, but during the day the sun can be glaring as it reflects off the windows of the neighboring building, but I didn't want to completely darken the room. I also wanted to add some privacy when we have guests sleeping on our pull out couch. The customization is absolutely perfect! and it doesn't have too many gaps on the sides. We set it up "the opposite of how you should set up a toilet roll" lol because our table is next to our window, but you can still hang it up, which is fine. We also needed a small power strip for charging because our outlet was too far for the plug, but that's not something that ruins the product itself because it depends on each room. Just a warning if you don't already have a spare power strip. We were also happy that it stops before it's fully rolled up which was a nice surprise, especially when the guest is in that room there is no risk of the blind getting damaged. Overall 10/10 stars!