I bought these fenders for a 2016 Chevy Silverado based on ease of installation and some good reviews. My experience was pretty bad. The punched protective film that runs between the truck and the paint protection fender was not cut cleanly from the surrounding material and tore when trying to detach it from the substrate. I contacted Husky for a replacement foil. The representative was less helpful and offered to ship the entire package back to the seller. When I asked why they couldn't just send in a new screen protector, she needed help deciding if they could. I gave them the part number and asked if they could send two pieces in case one of them broke again. You sent her. Everything is ready, right? Not right. I asked for two. I received a package with one and another package with some random screws. The one I received was again badly cut. It didn't break but had to be cut by hand with scissors. Also, it has been folded so much that it has a permanent crease that will not lay flat and stick to the truck. I should have taken their advice when I first called and just returned everything. Too bad, the mudflaps themselves seem fine.