The Daylight Saving Time controls on this device do not work properly. For background, when the United States observes Daylight Saving Time (DST), the NIST WWVB standard atomic time radio broadcast reports that fact every hour in its rather complex time code. What should happen next: If the clock that controls Daylight Saving Time is on, then the clock will advance the time by one hour when WWVB says Daylight Saving Time is in effect. If the user has turned off daylight saving time, the clock ignores the WWVB daylight saving time code. What actually happens: Even if Daylight Saving Time is disabled, the clock will change to Daylight Saving Time the next time the Daylight Saving Time code is received. . If the user turns it off again, the next round hour overrides the user setting and turns daylight saving time back on. We live in Arizona, which uses Mountain Standard Time (MST) but no Daylight Saving Time. Due to this lack of daylight saving time processing, our RCR-22 is switched off by one hour for about half a year. We've spent a lot of time setting the clock, factory resetting, cold resetting the processor with the little paperclip switch on the bottom, moving the time signal antenna to find better WWVB reception, etc. But it doesn't solve anything. Problem. The only solution we've found is to manually change the clock's time zone to Pacific Standard Time (PST) + DST, which is the correct Arizona time during the months of the year when Daylight Saving Time applies, and then reset manually to Mountain Time in the months without daylight saving time. We must stress that this is NOT the normal behavior of atomic clocks. Instead, it indicates either a pattern flaw or a design flaw. We have several atomic clocks in our house, ranging from large wall clocks to wristwatches, and with the exception of this radio-controlled clock and some travel clocks, which are about two decades old, the others adjust daylight saving time correctly. We bought our RCR-22 at the end of 2013 and its software version is called P01. Maybe this works correctly with newer software. But even if that's true, this possibility is a small consolation, because the watch software cannot be updated. Emptor caveat.
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