I bought my Kanken Mini from a Zappos seller. I knew I was paying more than the cheapest seller, but buying a real bag was more important than saving a few bucks. After reading the reviews, I realized that since Amazon bundles all sellers for one item, you need to choose your seller carefully. This bag is 100% authentic. I had instructions on youtube on how to adjust the straps as they were very difficult to get through that plastic D ring. The bag is very high quality and is very suitable for the mini size. It is very comfortable to wear. I live in Hawaii and it rains quickly and randomly so a waterproof bag is a must here! This bag takes me from camping to the beach and on the go! The two side pockets are very small. Currently I can't find anything other than a cell phone that fits in there, and it doesn't even fit my cell phone with a case. I have Swell and Hydroflask water bottles of different sizes and none of them fit. These water bottles fit in. I can put my iphoneX in the front zip pocket, but it is NOT a case! The phone does not fit with a case. The main pocket can hold a full-size iPad. I wish there were a few pockets in the bag to better organize items like keys, but I think I can easily slip them into the small front zip pocket. I will definitely be looking for an "organizer" to put in this bag!
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