These are great camping/hiking towels. I bought them primarily for hiking but was happy to get them in a pack of three for different scenarios. They are all very light and dry quickly. Towels are available in three sizes (see attached image for size comparison). Function as towel size. This towel is big enough to be effective and small enough that you don't wrap it around yourself unless you're Yoda from Star Wars. Big enough to use in the shower but not so big that it's overweight. I wore this towel on the subway to Zion's NP and it dries very quickly and takes up little space but was large enough to be used like a regular towel albeit smaller than a regular beach towel. Large - This is a great car towel for camping or hiking. A towel for those who don't worry too much about being overweight and bulky. Don't get me wrong, it's still very small in relation to the space it will take up in the packaging. However, it's little more than a minimalist or weight-banger that could be used for hiking. Other than that, this is probably my favorite towel from the set as it is HUGE when unfolded. You can legally use it in any situation, camping or not, and you still have all the benefits of a compact, lightweight, and super-fast drying towel. Overall I love that I got three great towels for the price I expected. for one and each towel useful for multiple camping scenarios. I would definitely recommend this towel as your choice for everything from minimalist backpacking to family camping.
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