I love how the bag was packaged. This was not a used or returned bag, which I appreciated. It comes with a dust bag, too. So far, it is holding up really well. I carry my laptop, Remarkable and personal items comfortably. My Ninja smoothie blender cup fits well and the bag still zips without much strain. I am only in my second week of using this bag and I love it. Not too big or small. The key lanyard is so helpful! Long enough to be used, but not too long to be irritating and get tangled. The test is the longevity. I truly love the fact the straps in front of the bag are held in place by a metal loop, not fabric. The bag looks AMAZING. I would definitely love to be sent another color to review and try out. Maybe a blue, green or pink bag. Overall, buy this! I was skeptical because of the negative reviews, but I stayed positive and ended up with a great experience.
Canon Nikon Sony Panasonic FujiFilm Olympus Pentax DSLR Camera Bag, Evecase Large Vintage Canvas Messenger SLR Shoulder Strap Case - Gray
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Classic Camera Bag, Evecase Large Canvas Messenger SLR/DSLR Shoulder Case With Leather Trim, Tablet Compartment And Removable Insert For Mirrorless, Micro 4/3, Compact System, High Zoom Digital Camera
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