I like it even more than Biotène, my previous mouthwash. CloSys is even more refreshing and yet soft in the mouth. While CloSYS does contain some sucralose (I'm not a fan of that), the amount of sweetener and flavoring is fairly subtle and doesn't leave a lingering, irritating aftertaste in the mouth that might conflict with the taste of food or drink (you should brush your teeth and use mouthwash* Use after* eating, not before (but some people don't.)). One of my previous dentists wholeheartedly recommended this material and I am delighted to rediscover it. The corresponding CloSys toothpaste has basically the same composition as the mouthwash (I point this out because the Biotène toothpaste has been modified to contain saccharin (which I hate) while their mouthwash still has no sweetener. Find it out) 4/19 /. 2020 - As of my original review on July 29, 2018, CloSYS Silver continues to be my favorite mouthwash. When used daily with CloSYS Sensitive Toothpaste, it does an excellent job of removing plaque and bad breath.
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