Very cute from a male point of view! Not many men use bags, so we usually carry backpacks. I used to carry a standard size bag and while it was great, it was too big for everyday and all use. So I looked at mini bags, which I know are often aimed at women, but this bag is super gender neutral, which drew me in immediately. I've never owned a Jansport bag so I have no comparison but for what it is I absolutely love it. The canvas texture lends itself very well to pins and buttons (as you can see in my photos) and even patches if you like it. I'm always out to run errands or go to work so the size is absolutely perfect for that. As a cashier, I can just put it under the till if I need to grab something. Although the bag is small, it can hold a surprising amount. I currently carry around my tablet, my switchboard, my little sketchbook, my keys, my water bottle and other things. It all fits perfectly here where, just like in my regular sized bag, everything slides around due to the excess space. It suits my needs very well and hopefully my review will help you decide if it's right for you :)
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