I bought it exclusively as a replacement for a gas stove for distillation. After the child was born, the question arose of relocating the distiller from the kitchen. The only option was the bathroom. 15 liters of mash enter the operating mode in 40 minutes, this completely suits me, it took much longer on a gas stove. The control is very convenient, the power switching step is more than enough. The modern design, unlike most tiles, is very attractive. I didn’t even understand additional programs, since I don’t need them.
Силиконовая форма для выпечки Bunte из 2 упаковок европейского класса - антипригарная форма для выпечки с рифленой трубкой для желе, желатина и тортов | 9-дюймовые противни | Аокинле | БФА бесплатно
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PME Инструмент для моделирования иглами Scriber, для украшения тортов, 5,7 дюйма
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GOBAM Wood Rolling Pin: The Perfect Dough Roller For Baking Cookies, Pie, Pizza & More - 13 X 1.38 Inches
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100 штук одноразовых кондитерских мешков длиной 18 дюймов для украшения тортов, кексов и печенья - идеально подходят для нанесения глазури и крема!
41 Review