I bought this to ensure a proper car wash but have done some testing with the filter. In short, it didn't work. Here's how I tested it: after receiving the filter, I connected it to a faucet and blew for 2 minutes. I took glass 1, rinsed it out and filled the glass with filtered water. I removed the filter and filled glass 2 with tap water. 3 areas examined: 1) VISUAL: Both tap water and filtered water appeared clear, colored, or precipitated. PASS2) TASTE: The taste of the filtered water was slightly off but barely noticeable: Barely PASS3) TDS Measurement: I bought a Total Dissolved Solids meter that measures purity. (e.g. tap water: 100-400 ppm - distilled water: 0 ppm). My tap water showed 402ppm but filtered water showed 442ppm! The? Was the filtered water LESS clean? Most likely, the higher TDS was probably due to harmless excess carbon filter cake. It appears that these activated carbon filters are only designed to filter non-TDS solids (e.g. to turn rough well/tap water into more pleasant drinking water). not produce a spotless flush. I don't think a charcoal filter can provide a low TDS (stain free) rinse. If that's what you're looking for, the options left are most likely either triple osmosis or distillation.
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