These are good pocket squares for the price. The size is perfect for a pocket square. When folded, they fit in your pocket without being too big or too small. The color of the fabric is beautiful. At least the package I have. They are made from polyester microfiber so should hold up well without worrying about staining or chafing. They fold well and iron well. One caveat I'd like to mention is that they look printed rather than woven, but I'm guessing here. So one side is very colorful and a little shiny, like silk. The back is matte and the colors are more muted. The reason I mention this is that one has to be careful when folding scarves that are only visible from the front because the contrast between the front and back is quite dramatic. The difference between these polyester pocket squares and real silk is that with silk, the color looks the same on both sides and you don't have to be very careful when folding it. And the silk versions are around $75 for 5 of them. For $13, I'll take these microfiber versions and take my time folding them neatly. Very beautiful!