I recently made a purchase from the BonNoces online store, and I have to admit that I was very dissatisfied with the service I received. The goods were of poor quality, and the customer service was inadequate, despite the glowing reviews I had read. The quality of the items I got was subpar, to begin with. There were obvious flaws in the porcelain baking dish I bought, and the glasses seemed flimsy and easily broken. For the money, I was anticipating much higher quality. Furthermore, I was met with indifference and unhelpfulness from their customer support team when I attempted to address my concerns. They didn't seem eager to help me out or provide a substitute or refund. Finally, BonNoces's free shipping offer is misleading. My purchase was delayed for weeks, and I was never informed of its whereabouts. Having to wait so long for products that fell short of my standards was very annoying. Based on my negative experience, I cannot endorse BonNoces as a reliable internet retailer. Their customer care is terrible, and the quality of their products is poor. If you're shopping for high-quality necessities for your house or kitchen, you can do better.