These bags are bright, durable, and a must have for online sellers. I use these bags to ship multiple pairs of clothing, shoe boxes that can't usually fit in standard shipping containers, and for larger items that would normally need large boxes at a high cost. Best thing is that some places like FedEx do not accept paper packaging, but they do take poly mailers, so it's great to have one of these bags on hand so that I can quickly seal the product without having to repackage anything. I even use these bags for smaller items when I run out of bubble wrap because the extra layers when wrapped and tapped correctly provide additional protection. Buying these bags in bulk is definitely the cheaper way to go and I'm so glad I have these on hand for whatever I'm shipping, big or small.
Pack Of 30 Plastic Gourd-Shaped Needle Threaders With Clear Box - Handy Sewing Tool For DIY Crafting, Hand & Machine Sewing - Random Colors (4)
35 Review
Pack Of 50 IMBAPrice #000 Kraft Bubble Mailers- 4 X 8 Padded Envelopes For Secure Shipping
39 Review
VEIREN 100-Piece Adjustable Buckle Elastic Bands For DIY Crafts And Garment Sewing, High-Stretch Cord For Earloop Lanyards, Earmuffs, And More - Black
44 Review
12In X 10Ft Gold Glitter HTV Heat Transfer Vinyl Roll - Perfect For Cricut & Silhouette, Easy To Cut & Weed For Shirts Gifts!
36 Review
🌈 Tulip One-Step Tie-Dye Kits Rainbow - 5 Colors, 1.62oz
7 Review
💎 100 Pack of Assorted Colorful Adhesive Stick-On Heart, Star, and Round Shaped Jewel Gems for Arts & Crafts, Themed Party Decorations, Children's Activities - Super Z Outlet
7 Review
🧲 Enhanced Magnetic Large: Basic 8 Inch to 32 Inch Size for Optimal Performance
9 Review
Craft Tool Quickstik by We R Memory Keepers
7 Review