In general, I really liked the vacuum cleaner. Washes well, easy to use and store. A 10-year-old child cleans his room with pleasure with this vacuum cleaner. But a fly in the ointment, as usual, is always present. Yesterday the button stopped working, i. E. You press the button - there is no water. Service from December 29 to January 9 does not work - the inscription on the site. Well, what to do, I checked the contacts on the handle with a tester, there was no short circuit on the water supply button. I disassembled the handle - everything is simple on 3 screws and latches. The push bar under the button really broke. In my opinion, it was made on purpose so that it would break - the plastic is really fragile, and the pressure protrusion is made not above the mikrik, but in front of it, because the button always presses on the bar for a break. Well, there things are for 2 minutes - I dripped hot glue in the right place and everything is now in order. But, as they say, the sediment remained. The device is not so very cheap in order to save on button materials.
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