And yet today, 09/24/2022, I bought it again. Live in Hong Kong. In 2022, after reading reviews about it, I decided to stop at it. I took 185/65/15, I took bluebird sylphy for Nissan, front-wheel drive, taking into account the recommendations, it was run in about 500 km, I drove the car carefully, skated for almost three seasons, sold it together with the car, said that the rubber was one season, they believed. For all the time he got stuck only once, put him on his belly, but again, where grandfather Makar did not pasture calves. There were also negative reviews about her, there were, but few. Those who wrote that the spikes fly out, most likely they didn’t ride it, well, or it’s possible that it’s a commercial move, most likely, in general, everyone praises their swamp, it’s possible that I am one of them)). Today I took 225/55/17 for the Subaru Forester. Considering the required radius, I wanted to take something cheaper, kumho WI31, also not bad reviews, but when I arrived at the store and saw toy spikes, all desire was gone. In general, having overcome his toad, I decided to overpay all the same, knowing in advance that I would not regret it.
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