This is probably the fourth set of rollers I've bought, but the last set isn't very good. I've only scanned 26,000 pages and the soft roller slips off the sponge and breaks! Usually when I replace them after 95k-100k pages they don't even look used. I don't know what's wrong with this set but I already need to replace it and I'm not happy with it. I don't feel like I can return them as I've used up 1/4 of their lives. Beware. You can get an inferior product, or you can get an absolutely excellent product.
ποΈ OKLILI 1SET PA03360-0001 PA03360-0002 Pick Pickup Roller + Separation Pad Assembly for Fujitsu S510M S510 S500M S500 fi-5110EOXM fi-5110EOX2 fi-5110EOX fi-5110C
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