Bags, bags, bags! If you're looking for a backpack that gives you a lot of organization, this would be perfect! It has two exterior pockets large enough to hold either two bear sprays or a bottle of Nalgene water. Not to mention the interior and waist/thigh pockets offered additional space for items like snacks, a headlamp and a first aid kit. The front zipper is a unique style that makes it very easy to pull items out of the backpack. However, I noticed that the zipper got stuck every now and then. With a little effort in such cases, it can be fastened perfectly! In size, it is slightly larger than a daypack and slightly smaller than a nightpack. To use it overnight, you must 1) walk with someone else who can help carry items, or 2) be an ultralight walker. Otherwise you couldn't put a bear jar inside! Overall this is a good backpack with ample back support and plenty of storage space both inside and outside the backpack. I could also really see this glow when traveling when you want a carry-on that can be used as a daypack!
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