This was one tool that I thought would be easy but it proved harder than expected! However after reading more about this software I decided not using any tools at my disposal could potentially have been worse so i continued with research instead of ditching everything else immediately!! If anyone's new into internet security then this thing can take time before understanding exactly what each individual piece does or how they work togetheirr BUT once that hurdle get over there are some good things included here (but keep testing them). To help people who've never used these kind of websites/tools learn quickly without wasting their efforts by trying something out which doesn't actually fix anything just makes us feel like we're doing our job well? The fact that it lets me see what every website I visit does with my data. This way I can make sure none are storing information about me without consent or even know how they're doing it. Also its quick at loading times. Sometimes it takes a long time before the page loads properly but when everything works well it's super fast. Its not much more then any other tool out there so that isn't really an issue either. If privacy is something important to you this software will keep you safe.