I bought this for my 1 year old granddaughter's birthday. That's not much for a one-year-old. It was about a month or so before she even dared to do so. I would say if you buy it for 1 year don't pack everything. Start small and then add. I did this. Worked a lot better for her. Now it's full size and she and the cats love it! Cats love lying in tunnels and she loves kicking cats out. I recommend the product. As I mentioned before, if you buy it for a year or under 2 years you start with a tent and a tunnel. Then add it. The product is easy to assemble and just as easy to disassemble. It's pretty durable and easy to clean. It's pretty durable. In a tent, my granddaughter likes to crawl out of the top hole. This product is very flexible. We all love it, I love watching her play it in this product. It's a lot of fun to watch her. She's great anyway.