SO IMPRESSED. "What?!. They really make them look like they used to!" Piece of leather goods. It's even better, more powerful and better than the photos show. For example, the hardware on mine doesn't look rustic or weathered. And it's extreme high quality and heavy - obviously damn safe. The leather itself is great, thick and although it looks new/tough it will soften. But won't stretch or wear. It's absolutely a lifetime belt, plus probably longer. Note! I had to return it and luckily re-ordered quickly to increase size. I wear pants 32-34 depending on style/fit. I initially ordered 34 hoping I would be comfortable in the loosest holes. (We lost weight so wanted to once we grow/lose). Not a chance; need at least another inch. So IMO side a larger size if wearing it in a waffle OR it on, say, a medium S want to wear atz of holes. Although more than satisfied! I expected to pay $50-$75 for a belt of this caliber.