Cool little thing, money is not a pity. Addition: where only I have not flown with it during this time, opening bottles from a dutik on an airplane is a pleasure! Only once, when flying to the Dominican Republic, when we were flying over the Bermuda Triangle, it shook on the plane, I opened the bottle with a corkscrew, and the corkscrew crushed the cork, I unscrewed it, shredded it with this corkscrew for 30 minutes for the amusement of neighboring passengers, but was distracted from shaking)))). But this is a question for a cork of poor quality, and not for a corkscrew. So, the Turks in Antalya, when I flew home, they took it from me! Like a corkscrew INSIDE the device is sharp))))) And in vain I tried to explain to them that a fountain pen is much more dangerous on an airplane than this corkscrew, but, apparently, they wanted a present for themselves . TAKEN! Turkish customs. The mentality is incorrigible! I must say that with EVERY flight, and there were many of them, this accessory at customs was carefully examined by everyone, and then released with a smile. But once they didnโt let go, Iโll have to buy another corkscrew))))))).
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