I like how you are able to keep track of leads/conversions in one place which makes it easy for me when communicating with clients or colleagues about client issues as well as having an overview if all my team is doing what they need them too do! It's not really anything that bothers me personally - there may be other features we would want that isn't available yet but this seems fairly comprehensive so far. We use venntive solely because its CRM integration has allowed us to have more control over our data than competing products (and thus increase ROI). The ability to interact with our clients via an app has been really helpful in building relationships, as well as managing expectations for the project process. I love that we can use this system from anywhere! It's so easy to work remotely now that it would be hard not to do so if you're working mostly remote anyway. There is nothing about vCita at this time that I dislike. We are able to provide our customers with more value than they expected by being available any where, anytime.