I wanted this to work but it didn't. My readings were wrong compared to the 2 local pool seuras which were within 5% of each other. Chlorine was usually in the 0.2-0.4 range, pH was in the 0.2 range, but the biggest problem was the readings of cyuronic acid. I just bought a house and it seems like the previous owner never changed the water. So in my 38,000 gallon pool I had a Cya of 140 and 138 in 2 pool shops. So I did my tester and he said hello. Okay, 110 is the max. so I remove/replace about 13,000 gallons of water. The reader says hello. Not good. Compamy says cut water with tap water and double it. OK. Test results 90. This means the Cya number is 180. Drain about 1000 gallons more until I run 2 pool reservoirs, Cya 80 and 78. The tester still reads 90 with sample water cut 1/2 pool 1/2 tap water. There is no explanation for bad reading. I was so upset that I just sent it back.