We live in an area that faces open country. Millions of snails, many of which love the lush vegetation in our garden. I've tried putting up signs, sending emails, even regular mail, asking the snails to stay away, but unfortunately they ignored my sincere pleas. I've found that hand picking up is the best way to get rid of them since they are homing creatures. For fun, I decided to count the collection daily. In one month, going out with a plastic bag around 6 a.m. every morning, I caught 4,000 snails. I'm not joking! After a while the idea of collecting bag by bag of snails, like an Easter egg hunt, lost all interest and I decided to try a copper strip outside my fence. I couldn't get over the entire fence line but it definitely helped. I used horizontal pins to stick it to the dirt as obviously a sticky back won't work in my application. The few cheeky invaders who forced their way through the barrier are no longer with us. It was a wet job and I'll spare you the details. I also wrapped it around my compost bin. Snails love trash. Warning: The edges of this material are razor sharp and can severely cut any snail hunter, so use caution when unrolling. Be sure to wear gloves that can withstand cuts. I haven't been bitten by a single snail yet, but I've prepared an anti-snail poison just in case. A final word of caution: don't leave bags of snails in the trash in hot weather. Enough said.