I decided to go imperial for metric and WOWEE I never look back (unless I have that tape measure handy)! It just goes to show how ignorant we Americans are to have such a ridiculous measurement system. It's so easy to be accurate to 1mm when working with an integer! How people can accurately cut within 32 or 64 is beyond my skill as an amateur craftsman. Roulette is incredibly simple. No jumble of fractions, red numbers, black numbers, alien symbols or anything else you see on other roulettes. I understand they all have a purpose for SOMEONE but not for me. I've used this band quite a bit and while it doesn't feel as strong as, say, my Stanley Fat Max band, it works with no issues. I put a caliper on the switch tip and it's very close to 1mm of displacement. I think the feeding test is stupid, so I didn't try it. If you're tired of feeling like a failure in your math class and want to dramatically increase the accuracy with which you can measure and build, buy this tape. America can be great at monster trucks, bald eagles, victories from world wars past and freedom; but we cannot measure. metric is better.