It doesn't matter if you're a small business or a fortune 500 company; it's always good to have a backup solution in place. We use restoreit on all of our servers and workstations in order to keep our backups safe from disasters. There are many things that one can do with a restoreit solution; we mainly use this as a way to access our backups offsite should there be a disaster that requires us to recover lost or damaged files. We haven't had any issues since restoring, but I am sure when you're backing up something as important as your clients information, you'd like to see what could go wrong. If there's ever a problem with backup, we simply connect to our server remotely and work from there. The backup capabilities of this product are very good when you need to back everything or just specific folders for example I use it only with my backups but it does that job really well! It's not so easy to configure if compared with other software similar in price range like Backup Exec Pro etc., as they have more options than what we can do manually from their interface (we don't know how many GBs per day our clients will be backing).