My first prefix after the PlayStation 1 in the late 1990s and early 2022, I preferred the personal computer (PC), but out of nostalgia for the system and because of convenience, I took the PlayStation 4; I liked everything, but I didn't expect anything supernatural))) With its positives being: Even though I've had a gamepad, appearance, and prefix for the past year, I didn't realize there was a problem with the noise it makes until I read about it on the boards. I lost it when I bought a second joystick for my wife and GTA 5 on the day it was released, despite the fact that she was opposed to playing this game. The joystick was white. My joystick is broken, she is spending every day by herself, and she has already acquired her accessories))) I managed to lose my wife when I tried to acquire a second joystick (white) for my wife to use with GTA 5, despite the fact that she was opposed to playing this game. My joystick is lying in the ash, and she is off by herself with her accessories)))