Throughout the past three years, I've been making use of it. Prior to that, there was a TP Link 300, and it had been in service for more than 5 years. Over these three years, there were absolutely no issues to speak of. After I had finished setting it up after the purchase, I didn't touch it again. Simple setup (beeline provider). And with that, the journey got under way. after a period of more than three years, most recently, a few of weeks ago. He made the decision to start living his own life. The connection would be lost for one to two minutes before it would turn back on by itself. This would repeat itself anywhere from three to five times a day. On occasion, the connection would not come back at all; in these cases, a restart was the only thing that would solve the problem. There were also dances involving a tambourine. Several visits from technicians from the service provider resulted in the same conclusion: the connection provider is operating OK, but the issue has not been resolved. It's strange to think that not a single technician went inside the router to check it out. The process of elimination by itself was able to identify the jams in the router. The television is operational, but there is no network on the wireless connection. You are going to have to attempt to reflash. The fact that it will work out is not as important to me as the fact that it will kill the entire day as a girl. A very extreme example would be purchasing a new one when the dancers in the vicinity are already exhausted.
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