I have a little 7lb Pomeranian and she LOVES her donut bed. She got the rainbow colored one in medium. According to measurements provided by the seller, she would have fit well in the small size if she curled up but I got her the medium because she likes to stretch out while sleeping on her back. When she lays like that her body fits perfectly within the interior of the bed from the top of her head to the edge of her bottom. Her bed is SO soft and she looks very comfortable while laying in it. If she gets cold she is able to stick her feet within the area between the floor and wall of her bed to warm up even further. The area is not really a pocket but it’s a space that hugs her paws when she puts them in there. The walls of the bed are not ridge and she sometimes sleeps with her head on it like a pillow or drapes the middle of her body over it so she is half in the bed and half out of it. The bed was a great buy for my little one.
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