TLDRSprocket vs Ivy: Depends on personal preference. . . Everything from the instructions to the ease of use to the Android app is nearly identical. HP Sprocket prints are slightly higher resolution, better tonal gradation, but slightly sepia. Canon Ivy portraits look better (less sharp is better here), but the prints have more contrast. See photos. CONCLUSION They're fun, easy to set up and use, and produce prints that any 'normal' person would find perfectly acceptable, if not amazing. ZINK photo paper packs are interchangeable: I've tried several types in both printers and found no difference in quality, so buy what's on sale! The prints end up costing around 50 cents each. (NOTE: The blue card in each pack is NOT interchangeable, so keep the HP card and reuse it if you use other brands of paper in HP Sprocket etc. Also, I don't know if this applies to all mini printers ...However, HP does not require the card to be inserted on every reboot.DISCLAIMER: Both HP Sprocket and Canon Ivy produced good, sharp photos.I'm an artist and photographer.A lot of my criticisms are aimed at pixel lovers and other weirdos like me. REVIEW I bought the Sprocket with an open mind and was looking for something that would give me "good enough" quality to put pictures in a regular travel journal at a reasonable price.Aside from that, I AM a serious photographer so did a lot of pre-research, and I wouldn't be surprised if I felt the need to return a printer I bought.Due to the low cost of printing that advertised I chose the HP Sprocket for the quality and ease of printing, as well as the good ratings in the Android app. After trying it out for a week, I bought a Canon Ivy to compare, thinking I'd be returning one of them. HA! I love both so much I won't be going back either, although I'm giving one to my middle son to justify the purchase. FYI - he's in his 20's and after a test print with me he doesn't care which one he gets - they are VERY, very similar. After testing and using it for a few weeks I am very happy with the HP. If I don't update this review - I'm STILL satisfied. PRINT QUALITY I was pleasantly surprised at the print quality from both Sprocket and Ivy! There are a few color fringes that I would complain about on a larger/more expensive printer, but that's not an issue with these small, just for fun prints. I would also be finicky about the sepia tones in HP prints. I've tried one filter in the HP app and another in Snapseed, but neither helped change the tone, and the HP filter noticeably reduced print quality, as did the filters in the Canon app. Any little thing in Canon's prints results in the loss of subtle gradations, especially in darker areas. A NOTICE. The very slight sepia tone doesn't bother me enough to return the HP printer or even play around with it. with many filters. To be honest I think it's just an artistic thing. A friend has a Fujifilm printer and the prints are ridiculously dark - I would return THAT! SETUP The setup process couldn't be quicker or easier. Slide off the top, drop the stack of papers and go. I connected immediately via bluetooth, the app didn't prompt me to sign up for an online account, although location must be enabled to print from the phone there is no problem opening the selected folder or photo to find the device. A NOTICE. Super short guide made I think I should THEN lift the slider to open the printer when it's the other way around - slide to lift. The "unexposed" photo paper just lies around openly. SIZEHP is smaller than expected, very light and has a surprisingly soft surface that can be ironed on. The blue is very dark, with hints of iris, very pretty. The Canon is slightly larger, shiny and slippery if you're not careful. The rose gold is not shiny but more metallic/pearlescent. PS Buy a case.